Selasa, 31 Januari 2023

Easy Way to Describe Someone

Assalamualaikum guys,balik sama gw Haidar.

Alhamdulillah kita dapat bertemu lagi di blog gw.Kali ini kita akan belajar tentang Describing a Person.Oh ya,sebelum itu,jangan lupa untuk komen dan share ke teman-teman kalian ya.

Selamat belajar......

Describing a Person

How to describe a person.


Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular person".A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person's language. A vocabulary, usually developed with age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and aqcuiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.


examples of vocabulary pictures


Word order in English is a standard arrangement of words to form a sentence that has a complete meaning.

As an example with the sentence "I love you" which turns out to be arranged in the form of subject + verb + object (SVO) which in the end has a meaning to use.


 Example word order

 3.     SAMPLE

Mrs. Aprin

Mrs. Aprin is my aunt. She is my father’s sister. Her job is a nurse. Now, she works in a hospital near his place.

Mrs. Aprin is about 30s. She has a son and a little daughter, Desta and Devi. Mrs. Aprin is stocky and he has heart-shaped face. She has a bit curly black hair and wears glasses. She has fair complexion. Now, she takes a lot of exercises to make her body slimmer.

She is a good mother for her children and a good nurse for her patient. She always can manage her time to get quality time with her children although she is busy. She loves her children more than anything in her life. 


 4.     WRITING

Hello guys, as an example of describing people, below is an example of my essay about my friend in terms of people being sought as material for describing people.


Looking for missing persons!

I lost a friend named Fazillan Luthfian Endra Raihansyah. He is usually called luthfian. He has a fat body. He is about 170 cm tall. He has straight hair and is combed to the side. He has a sharp nose and a thin mustache. He has pimples on his face. Lastly, he wears a colored batik shirt white and wears gray trousers. If you see one, please call the number below:

Haidar (085601549942)

Hari     (081229924452)

Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel gw.Semoga kita bisa ketemu lain waktu,see you next time.....

Rabu, 18 Januari 2023

Trik Jitu Belajar Descriptive Text


Assalamualaikum,yo what's up guys

Kenalin nih saya Haidar.Semoga kita bisa belajar bareng dan selalu dalam keadaan sehat.

Nah pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan belajar bareng tentang Descriptive Text.Banyak loh yang bakal kita pelajari ada Pengertian,contoh,dan lain-lain.

Selamat Belajar.....


1. Understanding Description Text

A.Description text contains a description of a certain object, place, or event so that the reader can feel, see, smell, and hear it.


B.The generic structure of descriptive text is=There are 3 descriptive text structures, namely identification, section descriptions, and conclusions/impressions.


C.The sentences used in descriptive text are=detailed sentences or sentences that aim to detail or explain an object to make it more concrete and clarify sensory impressions for readers 



Monas is a large, golden monument located in the center of Jakarta, Indonesia. The monument is shaped like a cone and is covered in intricate carvings.


The Borobudur Temple is one of the most stunning sights in all of Indonesia. The temple is made up of nine stacked levels, each of which is decorated with intricate carvings and statues of Buddha.

2. Expression used in description text

From the reading there are verbs, nouns and the like which are classified in the table below.

3. This is my description of something in my school


The trash bins at smkn4 are medium-sized and have three colors: green for leaves,red for paper and recycled materials, and blue for non-recyclable waste.

The trash cans are located in various corners of the Semarang Dismkn4 room. So that every student and teacher can easily dispose of trash in its place.

4. Books for lesson

Islamic Religious Education Book

Islamic Religious Education/PAI Mapel Package Book has many pages, namely 328 pages. The cover of the book has a picture of a person working together. The book was published by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

This book contains 10 chapters of study. Chapter 1 is about achieving success in kindness and work ethic. Chapter 2 is about monotheism and faith. Chapter 3 is about simple living. Chapter 4 is about Islamic banking. Chapter 5 is about the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Chapter 6 is about the prohibition of adultery. . Chapter 7 is about trust in Allah. Chapter 8 is about easy morals. Chapter 9 is about al-kulliyatu al-khamsah. Chapter 10 is about the method of preaching Islam in the archipelago.

You can see the book pictured below.

English Module Book

English module book published by Erlangga. This book was written by Shyla K. Lande and Eka Mulya Astuti. This book is included in the 2013 curriculum.

The English module book for class X SMA has 236 pages. It also has 13 learning units. Each page has fun material and is accompanied by pictures that make it easy to understand learning

you can see the display of the book below.

5. Example of descriptive text


The tiger (Panthera tigris) is included in mammals, namely animals that suckle. Big cats are predatory and meat-eating animals. Tigers can reach 1.5 meters high, 3.3 meters long and weigh 300 kilograms. Its coat is white and golden brown with black stripes or stripes. The canines are strong and sharp to tear flesh.

Four large legs with strong claws for pounce on prey. Tigers easily adapt to new environments. Tigers can live in forests, grasslands, and brackish areas or mangrove forests. In Indonesia, tigers can be found in forests and mangroves on the islands of Sumatra and Java.

Serayu River

Serayu River is a clean and natural river. The width of the Serayu River can be more than 10 meters, this river is very wide and also long. The Serayu River has clean and fresh water.

This river is a very clean and beautiful river, because around the Serayu river there is no trash and on the banks of the Serayu river there are piles of rocks that are stacked evenly and neatly.

These rocks are often used as a seat for people who are fishing on the edge of the Serayu river. Serayu River is one of the rivers that is often used as a fishing spot.

Nah,sekian terima kasih sudah membaca artikel saya,sampai ketemu lain waktu,sampai jumpa.

Saya juga membuatnya di flippingbook loh.Nih saya kasih linknya: