Short Functional Text
1. Definition
Short Functional Text is a short text that has a specific meaning and purpose, and can be used in everyday life. It may be in the form of invitations, greeting cards, prohibitions, announcements, short messages, signs, notices, ID cards, shopping lists, postcards and letters.
2. Purpose
This text is intended for the benefit of many people or the wider community. This short function text can be used to provide information about a guide or warning to many people.
3. Types
Notices, Warnings and Caution
Notice is a written instruction or statement that provides certain information or gives a warning - a sign or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people. Caution is a form of written warning to readers to be careful.
Greeting Cards
A greeting card is a form of card, usually accompanied by an image that is sent to someone for certain occasions, for example a card for a happy birthday, congratulations and success, etc.
There are two kinds of letters or letters, namely personal letters and official letters
A personal letter is a letter written for personal, family, or friendship matters. The characteristics of a personal letter, an unofficial letter, are not using letterhead, using looser language, more of an expression of hope.
While an official letter is a form of official letter that is usually written to function in more formal relationships such as business, work, and government The characteristics of an officila / formal letter are:
Using the letterhead
Using the number of letters
Using the opening greeting & closing
Using formal language
To amuse or entertain the readers
Advertisement is a statement or writing that is general in nature about a product. The goal is to convince readers and listeners to be influenced to use it.
4. Structures
Notices :
Opening : contains an introductory picture
Content : contains details or description
Closing : contains a hope for others
Greeting :
Receive : people who receive
Content : contains of greeting card
Sender : people who send
Letters :
Address and date
Receiver : the recipient’s fullname and addres
Contents : information about news, condition
Sender: the person who sends the letter
Signature : the signed name of the writer
Narative :
Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants of the story.
Complication : a crisis arises.
Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
Advertisements :
The name of the product
The selling points of the product
How to get the product
Interesting design
Sc no.3&4:
5. Sample
Food Labels
Food labels are writing that is usually found wrapped, cans, paper, various kinds of food. The food label functions to notify the user about the details of the food that has been purchased.
Sc :
6. Writing
Gambar diatas adalah contoh short functional text buatan saya dalam bentuk notice,warning and coution.
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