Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

Memahami Short Functional Text dengan cepat


Short Functional Text

1.   Definition

Short Functional Text is a short text that has a specific meaning and purpose, and can be used in everyday life. It may be in the form of invitations, greeting cards, prohibitions, announcements, short messages, signs, notices, ID cards, shopping lists, postcards and letters.

2.   Purpose

This text is intended for the benefit of many people or the wider community. This short function text can be used to provide information about a guide or warning to many people.

3.   Types 

Notices, Warnings and Caution
Notice is a written instruction or statement that provides certain information or gives a warning - a sign or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people. Caution is a form of written warning to readers to be careful.
Greeting Cards
A greeting card is a form of card, usually accompanied by an image that is sent to someone for certain occasions, for example a card for a happy birthday, congratulations and success, etc.
There are two kinds of letters or letters, namely personal letters and official letters
A personal letter is a letter written for personal, family, or friendship matters. The characteristics of a personal letter, an unofficial letter, are not using letterhead, using looser language, more of an expression of hope.
While an official letter is a form of official letter that is usually written to function in more formal relationships such as business, work, and government The characteristics of an officila / formal letter are:
Using the letterhead
Using the number of letters
Using the opening greeting & closing
Using formal language
To amuse or entertain the readers
Advertisement is a statement or writing that is general in nature about a product. The goal is to convince readers and listeners to be influenced to use it.

 4.   Structures 

Notices : 
Opening : contains an introductory picture
Content : contains details or description
Closing : contains a hope for others
Greeting :
Receive : people who receive
Content : contains of greeting card
Sender : people who send
Letters :
Address and date
Receiver : the recipient’s fullname and addres
Contents : information about news, condition
Sender: the person who sends the letter
Signature : the signed name of the writer
Narative : 
Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants of the story.
Complication : a crisis arises. 
Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
Advertisements :
The name of the product
The selling points of the product
How to get the product
Interesting design

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5.   Sample

Food Labels

Food labels are writing that is usually found wrapped, cans, paper, various kinds of food. The food label functions to notify the user about the details of the food that has been purchased.

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6.   Writing

Gambar diatas adalah contoh short functional text buatan saya dalam bentuk notice,warning and coution.

Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya,berakhir sudah pembelajaran kali ini.Terima kasih......

Rabu, 15 Februari 2023

Apa itu Understanding Recount

Yo halo guys.Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Kita kembali lagi.Kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Understanding Recount.

Understanding Recount

1.   Definition

Recount Text is a type of text that contains stories of our experiences in the past. The purpose of Recount Text is usually to retell and provide information and entertain the reader.

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2.   Purpose

The social function or the purpose of recount text is to entertain/ to amuse or to inform the reader about experience, story, action or activity which happen in the past.


3.   Structure

• Orientation – It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.

• Events – A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. 

• Re-orientation – A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end


 4.   Types of Recount.

Personal recount   
A personal recount is what’s most likely to be covered in school. This type of recount writing is all about the writer’s recollection of a particular event or experience. It includes things like diary writing, but it’s also what we do whenever we tell someone a story about something that happened to us.
Factual recount
A factual recount includes things like newspaper reports. The purpose of a factual recount is to inform (rather than entertain) the reader about a particular event. Because of this, adverbs and adjectives are less important. You’ll often see facts and figures in this kind of recount writing.


Imaginative recount
This kind of recount writing applies factual knowledge of an event to create a fictional account of that event. The purpose of an imaginative recount is to help the reader understand an event by providing a fictional recount that’s as true-to-life as possible. They’re perfect for creative writing lessons.


Procedural recount
Procedural recounts aren’t very common in English lessons - they’re more for scientists. In fact, they’re most often used to describe an experiment so that it can be replicated by others. Because of this, the language needs to be exact. Procedural recounts might not even involve the use of full sentences.


Literary recount
This kind of recount writing is all about entertainment. They can be about fictional or real events and involve real or fictional characters. For an interesting writing challenge, why not try exploring a fictional event with real characters, and vice versa.

5.   Expression

There are some language features in personal recount text, those are:
• Using simple past tense 

i.g. I spent my holiday in Yogyakarta and I was very happy 


• Using action verbs 

i.g. spent, went, brought, took, etc

• Using adverb or adverbial phrase to express time and place. i.g. last month, in Malang, lately, etc.  

• Using conjunction and time connectives to connect an event to the other event

i.g. and, or, after, before,after that, then, when, first, etc.

6.   Sample


Goes to Seoul

I spent my last summer holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went there with my friends. On the first day, I was landed at Incheon Airport around 7 AM after a 6 hours long flight. Then I went to Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel I already booked. I decided to take a rest for a while. At night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South Korea. I went to eat traditional Korean food. On the next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace and National Museum. I also went to learn how to make Kimchi and see the scenery of Seoul from Seoul Tower. I went back to the hotel at 10 PM and immediately went to sleep.

I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some stuffs and souvenirs for my family and friends. I also ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM because my flight was at 5 PM. I had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made wonderful memory with my friends. It was a great trip. 


 7.   Writing

Last week I went to my friend's house named Lutfian. His house is in the Jangli area, Upper Semarang. My trip started by taking the BRT bus from the bus stop near my house by bus to the Penggaron terminal. I paid for a BRT bus ticket for Rp. 4,000.

After arriving at the Penggaron terminal, I took a bus to Mangkang. Then I got off at the Semarang Samsat stop. Then, to go to the Jangli area, I got on a motorcycle with my friend Hananto. After arriving at Jangli, I was warmly welcomed by my friend named Lutfian.

Besides Hananto, there were also Syafiq, Hari, and Dhafa. After that we did the assignment together. Then, at 2pm, we returned to our respective homes. 


 Berakhir sudah konten blog kali ini.Terima kasih sudah membaca.bye bye.




Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Tutorial Mudah Membuat Describing a Place

Assalamualaikum guys,yohalo what's up kembali bersama saya Haidar.

Pada kesempatan ini kita akan belajar tentang Description a place.Untuk lebih lengkapnya simak lebih lanjut ya.


There is a lot of vocabulary about place descriptions. below are some examples of vocabulary in place descriptions: 

Ancient = Kuno/langka

Romantic = Romantis

Beautiful = Indah

Tropical = Tropis

Boring = Membosankan

Traditional = Tradisional

Crowded = Penuh Sesak

Wild = Liar

Charming = Indah

Warm = Hangat

Excting = Menyenangkan

Unusual = Tidak Biasa

Expensive = Mahal

Unique = Unik


 2.Word Order

The following is a table of place descriptions in word order.


Example word order: 

1.   Siska plays piano 

2.   Linda ate cookies last night


The following is an example of a place description I found on the web.

Descriptive Text About Borobudur Temple

Borabudur – located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia – is a famous nineteenth – century Mahayana Buddhist Temple. The monument consists of six square, nine stacked platforms, and 3 circulars, topped by a central dome. The temple is beautified with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is circled by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is the world’s largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Candi Borobudur

Borabudur – terletak di Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia – adalah Candi Mahayana Buddhist abad kesembilan belas yang terkenal. Monumen ini terdiri dari persegi enam, sembilan platform ditumpuk, dan 3 edaran, diatapi oleh kubah pusat. Candi ini diperindah dengan 2.672 panel relief dan 504 patung Buddha. Kubah pusat dilingkari oleh 72 patung Buddha, masing-masing duduk di dalam sebuah stupa berlubang. Ini adalah candi Budha terbesar di dunia.



Ok guys,I will give an example of a description of the place that I made,see below.


sc picture:

 BSB Lake

BSB Lake is located in Semarang. Precisely located in Mijen, Semarang City. Central Java. BSB Lake is not too far from Simpang Lima. Approximately 30 minutes with a distance of 14.5 km. Apart from private use, you can also take a ride to BSB Lake. BRT with the direction of Gunung Pati-BSB. 

 Lake BSB Semarang is a suitable place for a weekend getaway. Lake BSB provides many photo spots with panoramic views of natural beauty. Lake BSB is open every day to the public. Entrance tickets are FREE, free of charge.

Apart from getting a view of the BSB lake, there are other facilities and views. Like the Lakers Club: Lounge & Resto, Pool, Children's Playground and Fitness Center. Besides that, there is also BSB Lake: Jogging & Canoeing with a view of Mount Ungaran.

Nah itu dia isi dari artikel gw,terima kasih dah mampir.Semoga kita dapet pelajarannya yak.Thank you,semoga bisa ketemu lagi lain waktu.See you next time.... :)




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