Jumat, 09 Agustus 2024



Tri Sakti is a company in the construction sector. Kata Tri has a philosophy of 3 basic architectural principles, namely firmitas, utility, and venustas. Sakti is a word in Sanskrit which means strength.  This is intended to ensure that our company is strong against various obstacles.

One transverse bottom line: symbolizes the sloof as one of the lower structures of a building.
Three middle lines: symbolize the presence of structural columns as vital components of the building so that they are not destroyed.
One transverse top line: symbolizes the roof of a building with green building principles so that the occupants are comfortable.

Grey: seriousness. We are serious about working to build a building
Orange: enthusiasm, creativity. We design a building according to the owner's wishes, and with a little creativity so that the result is even more beautiful.
Green: growth, freshness, and health. The concept of our company always promotes Green Building, so that residents are comfortable and healthy.

(League Gothic) a tribute to the history of typography, a blend of tradition and innovation, and a true example of the spirit of collaboration in the world of design.
(Gotham) brings a deep design philosophy, inspired by the spirit of modernity and urban aesthetics.

"PRODUCES FIRMITY, UTILITY, BEAUTY" TRI SAKTI will build a building with three architectural principles as the main guidelines, namely solidity, function and aesthetics.
