Assalamualaikum guys,yohalo what's up kembali bersama saya Haidar.
Pada kesempatan ini kita akan belajar tentang Description a place.Untuk lebih lengkapnya simak lebih lanjut ya.
There is a lot of vocabulary about place descriptions. below are some examples of vocabulary in place descriptions:
Ancient = Kuno/langka
Romantic = Romantis
Beautiful = Indah
Tropical = Tropis
Boring = Membosankan
Traditional = Tradisional
Crowded = Penuh Sesak
Wild = Liar
Charming = Indah
Warm = Hangat
Excting = Menyenangkan
Unusual = Tidak Biasa
Expensive = Mahal
Unique = Unik
2.Word Order
The following is a table of place descriptions in word order.
Example word order:
1. Siska plays piano
2. Linda ate cookies last night
The following is an example of a place description I found on the web.
Descriptive Text About Borobudur Temple
Borabudur – located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia – is a famous nineteenth – century Mahayana Buddhist Temple. The monument consists of six square, nine stacked platforms, and 3 circulars, topped by a central dome. The temple is beautified with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is circled by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is the world’s largest Buddhist temple in the world.
Candi Borobudur
Borabudur – terletak di Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia – adalah Candi Mahayana Buddhist abad kesembilan belas yang terkenal. Monumen ini terdiri dari persegi enam, sembilan platform ditumpuk, dan 3 edaran, diatapi oleh kubah pusat. Candi ini diperindah dengan 2.672 panel relief dan 504 patung Buddha. Kubah pusat dilingkari oleh 72 patung Buddha, masing-masing duduk di dalam sebuah stupa berlubang. Ini adalah candi Budha terbesar di dunia.
Ok guys,I will give an example of a description of the place that I made,see below.
sc picture:
BSB Lake
BSB Lake is located in Semarang. Precisely located in Mijen, Semarang City. Central Java. BSB Lake is not too far from Simpang Lima. Approximately 30 minutes with a distance of 14.5 km. Apart from private use, you can also take a ride to BSB Lake. BRT with the direction of Gunung Pati-BSB.
Lake BSB Semarang is a suitable place for a weekend getaway. Lake BSB provides many photo spots with panoramic views of natural beauty. Lake BSB is open every day to the public. Entrance tickets are FREE, free of charge.
Apart from getting a view of the BSB lake, there are other facilities and views. Like the Lakers Club: Lounge & Resto, Pool, Children's Playground and Fitness Center. Besides that, there is also BSB Lake: Jogging & Canoeing with a view of Mount Ungaran.
Nah itu dia isi dari artikel gw,terima kasih dah mampir.Semoga kita dapet pelajarannya yak.Thank you,semoga bisa ketemu lagi lain waktu.See you next time.... :)
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