Senin, 28 Agustus 2023

Newsworty Item

 Highly Anticipated Coldplay Concert Sparks Ticket War, Frauds, and Homophobic Debate in Indonesia

The November concert in Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium will mark the first time the band Coldplay is performing in Indonesia. Coldplay fans in Indonesia felt nervous and could not relax as they prepared to buy the tickets on 17 May 2023. 

They tried their best, but some didn't succeed. For many people, the tickets were flying away from their reach too quickly. Social media users posted screenshots that they could not even access the ticket website because over 500,000 people were on the waiting list already.

The Coldplay tickets on social media.

After all the scams that occured, police said at least 60 people became victims per Tuesday. They lost Rp183 million ($12,293) in total.

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police also arrested a young couple aged 22 and 24 who scammed people with Coldplay tickets. 

Spokesperson of the national police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said the police received reports of fraud in the Jakarta area, Riau Islands, and Middle Java. Vice President Ma'ruf Amin also reminded the public to be careful.

"Regarding the Coldplay tickets, yes, I suppose it's not just Coldplay, but also in everything that the public be careful so not to be duped easily," said the 80-year-old VP.

Chris Martin has been a strong advocate for gay rights. The conservative groups in Indonesia use that as the pretext to reject the band. 

The strongest voice comes from PA 212 (Persaudaraan Alumni 212 or Brotherhood Alumni of 212) which strongly rejects Coldplay. But the moderate Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) also voiced their rejection. The deputy head of MUI Anwar Abbas highlights Coldplay's support toward LGBT community, and he believes Coldplay would ruin the morality in the country.

In Indonesia, the political support toward gay rights in Indonesia is rather dim. Populist politicians and public figures often avoid the advocacy issues to protect the LGBT community. Although ironically, homosexual artists such as Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, and Freddie Mercury are immensely popular in the country.

The government of President Joko Widodo has tried to de-escalate the situation. Minister for Tourism Sandiaga Uno said he has heard the opinions from the religious figures while ensuring the legality of Coldplay's concert. 

"We have opened communication and wanted to hear the inputs and suggestions from the ulamas as a part of our [efforts] to ensure that this concert is within the legal corridor in Indonesia," said Sandiaga. 

Sandiaga said that Coldplay's concert will be beneficial for the economy and tourism. The minister also hopes that Coldplay will be able to have a second day concert in Jakarta.

In 2012, Lady Gaga's concert was finally cancelled after dangerous threats from the conservative groups. Lady Gaga, who is also a strong LGBT rights advocate, was dubbed as vulgar and satanic. 

Since the rejection, Lady Gaga has gained more power and popularity, including winning an Oscar. But Lady Gaga still has not visited Indonesia.

***Headline: Highly Anticipated Coldplay Concert Sparks Ticket War, Frauds, and Homophobic Debate in Indonesia***

***Newsworty Event: Contains Coldplay ticket fraud and controversy about Coldplay vocalists who support LGBT, so that some activists refuse their arrival***

***Background Event: 

·What   :Coldplay watching ticket war 

·Who    : Indonesian people's

·When  :17 may 2023


·Why     :Because it was the first time that the band Coldplay had a concert in Indonesia 

·How     : Lots of scams about selling Coldplay tickets 






Minggu, 27 Agustus 2023

Siklus Air dan Bencana Kekeringan

  Peristiwa siklus air merupakan peristiwa sehari-hari yang sering tidak disadari oleh manusia. Siklus air menghasilkan air bersih yang berguna untuk kehidupan manusia. Manusia memerlukan air bersih antara lain untuk keperluan rumah tangga, keperluan industri, dan juga pertanian.

  Siklus air menghasilkan air bersih. Pada saat proses penguapan, kotoran pada air tidak ikut menguap. Uap air yang menguap adalah uap air yang bersih. Pada saat turun hujan, air yang dihasilkan pun adalah air bersih dan siap digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan.


  Air hujan yang jatuh, sebagian akan diserap oleh tanah, lalu menjadi air tanah. Air tanah adalah air yang mengalir di bawah permukaan tanah. Air ini biasanya lebih jernih dan bersih, karena sudah tersaring oleh lapisan tanah dan akar tumbuhan. Untuk mendapatkan air tanah, manusia membuat sumur dengan cara menggali lubang.

  Air hujan yang tidak terserap oleh tanah, akan terus mengalir menjadi air permukaan. Lalu, air itu menuju tempat yang lebih rendah seperti sungai, danau, dan laut. Air permukaan adalah air hujan yang tak dapat diserap oleh tanah tetapi diserap oleh permukaan tanah, sehingga mengalir di atas permukaan tanah dan kemudian menguap kembali. Air ini biasanya lebih kotor, karena mengandung lumpur. Air ini juga biasanya membawa berbagai macam material dari proses erosi.

  Pada musim kemarau, air hujan yang turun menjadi berkurang. Air hujan yang turun biasanya langsung diserap oleh tanah menjadi air tanah. Jika air sungai dan danau surut akan menyebabkan berkurangnya penguapan air sebagai pembentuk titik-titik air di awan. Akibat dari semakin sedikitnya awan adalah semakin berkurangnya curah hujan. Oleh karena itu, sumur-sumur penduduk pun menjadi kering. Di saat inilah biasanya terjadi kelangkaan air bersih. Jika kelangkaan air bersih terjadi dalam waktu yang panjang, bencana kekeringan akan terjadi. Mari kita biasakan menghemat penggunaan air dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2023

What is Tense

 Yo whats'up Friends. Come back with me Haidar Aziz, and this time, guys, we will learn about tenses. What are tenses? How many tenses are there? For that let's sima the following explanation.

Tense in English refers to the time an event occurs. There are three main types of tenses:

1. **Present Tense**: Refers to events that are happening at the moment or habits that are taking place. Example: "I eat breakfast every morning."

2. **Past Tense**: Describes events that have occurred in the past. Example: "She visited Paris last year."

3. **Future Tense**: Refers to events that will occur in the future. Example: "They will go to the beach tomorrow."

Additional tenses include:

4. **Present Continuous Tense**: Shows an event that is currently taking place. Example: "They are playing football."

5. **Past Continuous Tense**: Describes events that were taking place in the past. Example: "I was studying all night."

6. **Future Continuous Tense**: Refers to events that will be taking place in the future. Example: "She will be working late tomorrow."

7. **Present Perfect Tense**: Shows events that started in the past and have an impact on the present. Example: "He has finished his homework."

8. **Past Perfect Tense**: Describes events that occurred before a point in time in the past. Example: "By the time I arrived, they had already left."

9. **Future Perfect Tense**: Refers to an event that will finish in the future before a certain point. Example: "They will have completed the project by next month."

10. **Present Perfect Continuous Tense**: Shows events that have been going on since the past and are still continuing today. Example: "She has been reading that book for hours."

11. **Past Perfect Continuous Tense**: Describes events that took place continuously in the past until before other events. Example: "He had been working there for five years before he moved."

12. **Future Perfect Continuous Tense**: Refers to an event that will continue until a certain point in the future. Example: "By next week, I will have been practicing the piano for ten years."

Well, that's some kind of tense. Hopefully with us learning about tense, our reading and writing about English will be better. Thanks for reading my blog. If there is a typo or information, I apologize profusely. Thank you very much, bye bye 

Congratulation card

 Hallo everyone back with me, Haidar Aziz.

In this blog, we will learn about congratulation cards. Congratulation card is a greeting card that is given to someone. For more details, let's look at the following.

**Contoh Congratulation Card:**

 **Definition of Congratulation Card:**

Congratulation cards are greeting cards specifically designed to congratulate someone on an achievement or a special moment. This card contains positive and festive messages to express support, pride and happiness for someone celebrating a successful or important event in their life.

**Features of the Congratulation Card:**

1. **Attractive Designs:** Greeting cards often have attractive designs that match the theme of the celebration, such as pictures or illustrations that suit the occasion for which they are being said.

2. **Special Greeting Message:** Congratulation cards contain messages that are positive, passionate, and festive. The messages usually express pride, support, and best wishes.

3. **Personalization:** These greeting cards are often filled by hand, adding a personal touch and authenticity. Hand text denotes extra care and effort from the sender.

4. **Pleasant Surprise:** Congratulation cards are often sent unexpectedly, making it a pleasant surprise for the recipient. It provides added happiness to their special moments.

5. **Blessings and Prayers:** Some congratulation cards include prayers or good wishes for the future. This adds a spiritual dimension and deepens the meaning of the card.

6. **Theme Match:** Greeting cards often follow the theme of a specific event, such as a graduation, wedding, birth of a child, or a promotion. The design and message must fit the context of the celebration.

*Contoh 1: Untuk Lulusan*


Front: 🎓 Congratulations Graduate! 🎓

Inside: As you step into this new chapter, remember that your hard work and dedication have paid off. Wishing you a future filled with success and happiness. You did it!


*Contoh 2: Untuk Pernikahan*


Front: 💍 To the Newlyweds 💍

Inside: May your journey together be as beautiful as this day. Congratulations on finding love and companionship. Wishing you a lifetime of joy, laughter, and cherished moments.


*Contoh 3: Untuk Promosi*


Front: 🎉 Celebrating Your Success 🎉

Inside: Your promotion is a testament to your talent and dedication. Here's to your hard work paying off and a brighter future ahead. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!


Greeting cards are a simple but meaningful way to express our happiness and support for the achievements and special moments in the lives of those closest to us.

Thank you for visiting. Hopefully we all get useful knowledge from a little reading earlier. See you next .... 


Asking and giving opinion

 Assalamualaikum guys

Back with me, Haidar Aziz

At this meeting I will discuss asking and giving opinion. For more details, let's see the explanation below:

Asking and giving opinions is a communication process in which someone asks another person's opinion or gives their own opinion regarding a topic. There are several ways in 

1. **Asking Opinion (Menanyakan Pendapat):**

   - **Direct Question:** For example, "What do you think about this film?"

  - **Indirect Question:** For example, "What do you think about the decision?"

2. **Giving Opinion (Memberikan Pendapat):**

   - **Neutral Opinion:** Like, "I'm not really sure about this, but maybe..."

   - **Strong Opinion:** For example, "I believe this is the best solution to this problem."

3. **Expressing Uncertainty (Menyatakan Ketidakpastian):**

   - **Hedging:** For example, "I'm not sure, but maybe..."

- **Speculating:** For example, "Maybe it will turn out like this, but we don't know for sure yet


4. **Asking for Clarification (Meminta Penjelasan Lebih Lanjut):**

  - **Seeking Clarification:** For example, "Can you explain in more detail about this section?"

- **Requesting Elaboration (Requesting Additional Explanation):** For example, "Could k

5. **Expressing Agreement or Disagreement (Menyatakan Setuju atau Tidak Setuju):**

   - **Agreeing Strongly:** For example, "I totally agree with you!"

  - **Partially Agreeing:** For example, "I partially agree, but there are several aspects to consider."

  - **Disagreeing Politely:** Like, "I have a different view, if I may say so."


6. **Offering Alternatives (Menawarkan Alternatif):**

   - **Suggesting (Suggesting):** For example, "Maybe we can consider another way like..."

   - **Proposing an Option:** For example, "One option we can think of is..."

Each of these types is used in different situations, depending on the context and intensity of the desired statement.

Those are the meanings and kinds of asking and giving opinions that might be a lesson this time. Thank you for opening my blog. Thank you and bye bye.....

Senin, 07 Agustus 2023

Going to

Going to Arabic

Assalamualaikum hello everyone, how are you? back again with me Haidar Aziz on this blog☝😅. In previous blogs, we have studied various kinds of descriptive texts and short functional texts.

On this blog, we will dream and dream that when we grow up, we will tour abroad, for example, to Spain, England, America, Brazil and others. I will tell you about my dream when I grow up to go to Saudi Arabia.

Going tour to Arabic

  1. Direction Airport

I went to arab for business and vacation. before flying to saudi arabia i have to prepare my passport and ticket. I bought a plane ticket online, the ticket price was IDR 45,259,200/person with Garuda Indonesia airline. There is a recent regulation from the UAE regarding names consisting of only one word that cannot be entered/exited. I flew on August 17, 2023. I went from home to Ahmad Yani Airport by car.

After arriving at the airport, I immediately checked-in, because check-in must be done at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure. After that, I weighed my luggage (luggage) as well as checked the goods as well as immigration. Then after that I looked for the departure gate that matched the ticket or monitor screen at the airport. I had to pay attention to the sign indicating the direction of the corridor I was going. After arriving at the designated waiting area, I looked for a seat to wait for an hour and I was invited to board the plane. 

After being allowed to enter the plane, I immediately entered according to the arrangements of the airlines that usually regulate the flow of entry into the plane. After entering, I looked for a seat that I ordered and sat while looking at the outside view of the plane through the plane window. 




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