Yo halo guys.Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Kita kembali lagi.Kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Understanding Recount.
Understanding Recount
1. Definition
Recount Text is a type of text that contains stories of our experiences in the past. The purpose of Recount Text is usually to retell and provide information and entertain the reader.
2. Purpose
The social function or the purpose of recount text is to entertain/ to amuse or to inform the reader about experience, story, action or activity which happen in the past.
Sc: https://xploremadiun.blogspot.com/2020/03/recount-text.html
3. Structure
• Orientation – It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
• Events – A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
• Re-orientation – A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end
Sc: https://xploremadiun.blogspot.com/2020/03/recount-text.html
4. Types of Recount.
Personal recount
A personal recount is what’s most likely to be covered in school. This type of recount writing is all about the writer’s recollection of a particular event or experience. It includes things like diary writing, but it’s also what we do whenever we tell someone a story about something that happened to us.
Factual recount
A factual recount includes things like newspaper reports. The purpose of a factual recount is to inform (rather than entertain) the reader about a particular event. Because of this, adverbs and adjectives are less important. You’ll often see facts and figures in this kind of recount writing.
Imaginative recount
This kind of recount writing applies factual knowledge of an event to create a fictional account of that event. The purpose of an imaginative recount is to help the reader understand an event by providing a fictional recount that’s as true-to-life as possible. They’re perfect for creative writing lessons.
Procedural recount
Procedural recounts aren’t very common in English lessons - they’re more for scientists. In fact, they’re most often used to describe an experiment so that it can be replicated by others. Because of this, the language needs to be exact. Procedural recounts might not even involve the use of full sentences.
Literary recount
This kind of recount writing is all about entertainment. They can be about fictional or real events and involve real or fictional characters. For an interesting writing challenge, why not try exploring a fictional event with real characters, and vice versa.
5. Expression
There are some language features in personal recount text, those are:
• Using simple past tense
i.g. I spent my holiday in Yogyakarta and I was very happy
• Using action verbs
i.g. spent, went, brought, took, etc
• Using adverb or adverbial phrase to express time and place. i.g. last month, in Malang, lately, etc.
• Using conjunction and time connectives to connect an event to the other event
i.g. and, or, after, before,after that, then, when, first, etc.
6. Sample
Sc: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.agoda.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F05%2FThings-to-do-in-Seoul-Featured-photo-1200x350-Seoul-skyline-526x320.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.agoda.com%2Fid-id%2Ftravel-guides%2Fsouth-korea%2Fseoul%2Ftag%2Fthings-to-do&tbnid=_XbvHzqGVlV_uM&vet=1&docid=yaickw_I-86gPM&w=526&h=320&hl=in-ID&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
Goes to Seoul
I spent my last summer holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went there with my friends. On the first day, I was landed at Incheon Airport around 7 AM after a 6 hours long flight. Then I went to Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel I already booked. I decided to take a rest for a while. At night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South Korea. I went to eat traditional Korean food. On the next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace and National Museum. I also went to learn how to make Kimchi and see the scenery of Seoul from Seoul Tower. I went back to the hotel at 10 PM and immediately went to sleep.
I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some stuffs and souvenirs for my family and friends. I also ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM because my flight was at 5 PM. I had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made wonderful memory with my friends. It was a great trip.
Sc: https://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/kids/blog/contoh-recount-text-dalam-bahasa-inggris/
7. Writing
Last week I went to my friend's house named Lutfian. His house is in the Jangli area, Upper Semarang. My trip started by taking the BRT bus from the bus stop near my house by bus to the Penggaron terminal. I paid for a BRT bus ticket for Rp. 4,000.
After arriving at the Penggaron terminal, I took a bus to Mangkang. Then I got off at the Semarang Samsat stop. Then, to go to the Jangli area, I got on a motorcycle with my friend Hananto. After arriving at Jangli, I was warmly welcomed by my friend named Lutfian.
Besides Hananto, there were also Syafiq, Hari, and Dhafa. After that we did the assignment together. Then, at 2pm, we returned to our respective homes.
Berakhir sudah konten blog kali ini.Terima kasih sudah membaca.bye bye.
Keren Bro! 🔥🔥
BalasHapusYour writing is easy to understand, enjoy the content
BalasHapusPenulisannya rapih, juga mudah dipahami😃